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About HWSS
Health & Wellbeing Support Services (HWSS) exists to help you reach your goals for your mental health and for your life.
We believe in individual, 1 on 1 and group programs, where we can walk side by side with you and create support that truly meets your individual needs and interests.
Our team is made up of experienced, mental health professionals and we deliver a range of NDIS programs in Melbourne, Victoria.
Our VISION is to provide NDIS support for Mental Health Recovery, Health & Wellbeing.

Our Services

NDIS 1 : 1 Support
HWSS offer 1:1 supports to people with psychosocial disabilities. We offer NDIS Capacity Building and Core Supports in line with your goals.
All HWSS staff are experienced, mental health professionals that will tailor their support for your health and wellbeing.
HWSS Therapeutic Supports
The HWSS team includes Mental Health Social Workers, Psychologists, Mental Health Occupational Therapists, Mental Health Nurses and Mental Health Support Workers. These specialists deliver a range of Capacity Building, therapeutic supports
NDIS Group Programs & Retreats
HWSS run regular group programs in Melbourne for NDIS participants with psychosocial disabilities. We also run Retreats in Regional Victoria.
All of our groups are facilitated by mental health professionals.
NDIS Recovery Coaching
HWSS Recovery Coaches support NDIS participants with psychosocial disabilities to reach their recovery goals.
All of our Recovery Coaches are qualified and experienced.
"HWSS helped me get out into the community and not be afraid to try something new. I am starting to feel more confident and proud of who I am"
-HWSS Participant 2021
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